
Here's What Our Clients Say About AcademicKeys.com

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"We will definitely be posting with Academic Keys again. They are much better than other advertising methods we have used and posting jobs was very easy. Thanks again to the staff who was extremely helpful!"

  — Leah Winterberger , Administrative Services Specialists II
    University of Connecticut

"I am happy to recommend the Academic Keys service because it was efficient, informative and provided good service. My ad was read over 600 times."

  — Daniel Rohrlich
    Ben Gurion University of the Negev

"Thank you for such excellent service. This has been so helpful to us to get our position posted so promptly and distributed so widely. Thank you!"

  — Judy Guernsey
    Dalhousie University

"Thanks a lot. We appreciated your service! Our candidates were excellent!"

  — Dr. Russ Widener , Director, School of Music
    Wichita State University

"I would like to thank the staff at Academic Keys who have offered exceptional services in academic jobs. In particular, Academic Keys` offer of free advertisement for post-doc positions. It has helped us in reaching the very best candidates. Your website is also very user-friendly and, best of all, your staff are very responsive!"

  — Chris Mi , Professor
    University of Michigan, Dearborn

"Good Morning Brian and thank you for this update. We`ve found that the ad placement in AcademicKeys has generated several applications in a very short period of time. The Search Committee didn`t know what to expect from the posting, but from what we`ve seen it has been well worth the cost. Thanks and have a great week!"

  — Rhonda Hobson , Executive Assistant
    Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine

"We had more than 70 applicants for the position and we interviewed four very strong candidates. Our Dean will make an offer to our number one choice this AM and should he/she decline we will move to number two. We feel the search was quite successful as we had the strongest pool of candidates in years. From what I can tell by cover letters approximately 25% saw our posting on your site with the remainder coming from our number one trade journal, Chemical & Engineering News."

  — Noel Sturm , Associate Professor and Chair
    California State University

"We have been pleased with the large response to our search. Many candidates have referenced Academic Keys in their cover letter; thank you for providing excellent service."

  — Jonathan Talberg , Professor
    California State University, Long Beach

"It was a pleasure to deal with your group for our postdoctoral posting and I have been talking it up among my friends and colleagues. We had a good number of hits and one was just what we wanted. If and when we need to look for another postdoctoral fellow, I shall certainly return for another round."

  — John D. Roberts
    California Institute of Technology

"Your site is the best I have used to date! It is very efficient and simple, and I have enjoyed using it. Thank you, again."

  — Lise Minogue
    McGill University, School of Computer Science

"Thank you for this service. I love it and forward [the e-Flier] to my colleagues constantly."

  — Dr. Danny Brassell
    California State University, Dominguez Hills

"Your site has been valuable to us in the past and I just wanted to let you know that you guys are doing a great job--your site is terrific!"

  — Stacy Meier
    University of Akron

"Thank you for your wonderful service. We have had a tremendous response."

  — Barbara Kirkland
    University of the Pacific

"Many thanks for your organization`s fantastic web site!"

  — Dewey Johnson , Director
    Small Business Institute

"I just thought I would drop you a line to tell you how much I actually enjoy getting your faculty positions. I LOVE browsing through jobs that are out there!"

  — Barbara Sartell , EdD, RN, C-ANP
    Wilmington College

"You provide a great service, and I thank you for it. One of my graduate students got his post-doc by responding to one of the notifications in the past. We wouldn`t have found that one easily, and it is a great opportunity. Thanks again."

  — Bruce A. Finlayson , Professor of Chemical Engineering
    University of Washington

"I give two thumbs up to Academic Keys for the ease and efficiency of posting positions, as well as how pleased I am with the number of inquiries to your site. Academic Keys is also a very economical service with great exposure at the touch of a key. Thank you very much for your service, and keep up the good work."

  — Marcene McCurdy , Neurology Department
    Medical University of South Carolina

"Thank you so much for posting my biographical information on your website. I do really appreciate your excellent service, and would recommend others to use your website."

  — Tapas Das , Environmental Engineer
    Washington Department of Ecology

"As the first search goes, we received twenty something relevant applications. Most of them due to your website and e-Flier since we ran IEEE Spectrum ad for only a month (November). Happy Holidays to you!"

  — Dariusz Czarkowski , Associate Professor, Search Committee Chair
    Polytechnic University

"I appreciate the Academic Keys e-Flier very much and do share this information with my students. Thanks for your hard work."

  — Dr. Louise MacKay , Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Coordinator for EdD. program
    East Tennessee University

"Academic Keys is a valuable recruitment tool. We can reach a diverse pool of applicants quickly and easily. The last position we posted received nearly 3,000 hits! When a vacancy in our department occurs, our faculty specifically requests we advertise on Academic Keys."

  — Rachel Newman , Acting Assistant Director, Human Resources
    University of Maryland

"Many thanks for sending these e-Fliers to me. They are very helpful and much appreciated!"

  — Richard Wolff , Professor of Economics
    University of Massachusetts

"I would definitely say that more prospective applicants have viewed the position as a result of having posted on Academic Keys."

  — Kristin Wold , Administrative Assistant, Department of Art
    University of Wyoming

"Thank you for having this valuable service!"

  — Ce Ce Iandoli , Professor, Design + Industry
    San Francisco State University

""From my early dealings with your administrative staff, I was impressed with their knowledge, helpfulness and mostly, response time to questions I had.""

  — JoMarie Woltz , Asst. to the Chair
    University of Buffalo

"Academic Keys is certainly easier to use than some of the other places I`ve advertised. The price is reasonable, too. We keep advertising here because we feel this is a tool that will continue to grow."

  — M. Buckler , Asst. to the Chair, Biomedical Engineering
    The Catholic University of America

"A great resource for job listing, featuring an extensive database of academic jobs in the fine arts. Search by specific job categories, academic fields, or descriptive keywords. An online subscription is available, and you can select specific types of jobs for which you would like to receive listings. It also provides a database of faculty and administrators in higher education, as well as many other professional resources. Very user-friendly."

  — Eastman School of Music
    University of Rochester

"We used Academic Keys to aid in conducting a tenure-track faculty line search.

The web-based advertisement and the searching capabilities it contains for prospective candidates was an ideal environment for us to conduct our search. We found the process of placing the advertisement very easy and the economic benefits of a four-month time-frame for the ad`s run was unquestionable (compared to magazine sources).

Overall, our experience with Academic Keys was terrific. We now have an excellent new faculty member."

  — Christopher Foley , Associate Professor, Civil & Evironmental Engineering
    Marquette University

"I am following up with an e-mail commentary on the employment ad we have recently placed through Academic Keys. Until this year, we have placed ads with the Chronicle of Higher Education and the College Art Assoc. With both of these publications we experienced problems in placing the online ads because of the lack of "user-friendliness" of their websites. We ususally had to follow up with phone calls and found that their response was slow and often not very helpful. Likewise, their billing process was tedious and unorganized. Last, but not least, the cost of placing the ad with Academic Keys was substantially lower than was the Chronicles` and Art Association.

I would choose to use Academic Keys services over other publications whenever possible. Thank you for making ad placement so easy and economical."

  — Angelika Knorr
    University Of Central Florida

"Your website is very user friendly. It is really very easy to do and you guys were able to get my job posting out in record time. Thanks."

  — Marlene Albrecht , Administrative Assistant
    University of Missouri - Rolla


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